Category: <span>Recommended | Recomendados</span>

“The Drug Lords,” Joel W. Barrows Makes It Again

Imagine: A pharmaceutical scientist dies in a car accident, and his closest workmate —a young lady— begins to investigate the tragedy after finding out a possible evidence of a murder, while she was poking through the man’s belongings at his office. Simultaneously, the woman crosses paths to a former prosecutor, …

‘Red Metal’ by Peter Faur: A Must-Read Financial Thriller for this Winter

What would you do as a 130-year-old company’s CEO at finding out that your main stockholders are voracious financial sharks trying to take you to a demanding, fast pace, casino economy where you’re not ready to get in?Red Metal, the first novel written by Peter Faur, takes the reader to …

‘Deep White Cover’: The Best Debut Thriller for the Season

The intimate challenge of an undercover agent working for thc Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) who must deactivate a supremacist, anti-immigrant group at the Southern border of the country is the main plot of  Deep White Cover, a great thriller novel written by Joel W. Barrows. This book …

Edgar Allan Poe: Timeless Horror, Great Reading

The death as a mysterious and frightening factor of beauty and love is the trigger of emotions that have captured for more than a century and a half, the interest of literature readers in the timeless work of the great American writer Edgar Allan Poe, creator of the modern detective …

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